Zenbership v2 News & Updates

Progress Overview

  • Anticipated Beta Release Date: Summer 2021
  • Estimated current progress towards public beta: 65%
  • Code license selection: N/A
  • Code repository availability: private
  • Currently working on: user frontend client management

March 1st, 2021

Lots of progress has been made towards communications within the platform. It now supports three types of communications: e-mail, SMS, and traditional mailers. Campaigns can be created around each of these based on targeted criteria for generating recipient lists. This filter system applies to the entire application outside of comms as well.

Continued work on the administrative dashboard. This includes ongoing UX improvements as well as new pages for managing various aspects of the application.

February 24th, 2021

Huge update and progress being made, with a large chunk of the administartive dashboard starting to come together. Currently, users, invoices, subscriptions, carts, grants, sessions, emails, phones, geo-information, and much more are working and manageable from the administrative dashboard. There is still much work to be done, but this update represents a big step forward towards an alpha release pre-summer 2021, with beta summer 2021 still on track!

Oh, and why not take a very early look at the app, with an understanding that these designs will change and only represent the development version of the administrative dashboard and frontend user client.

The user listings page. Headers are customizable!

The extremely powerful and flexible criteria builder, which can be used with any and all aspects of the administrative dashboard, to create reports and to filter listings against specific criteria.

A look at the manage-user screen of the administrative dashboard, specifically a look at all of this user's sessions.

A sample signup form with various membership options and value-added products available for purchase. Note that the theme is completely customizable!

The member dashboard from which members can update and manage all aspects of their membership.

February 1st, 2021

Lots of progress has been made recently, including a large amount of the boilerplate that will be used as the basis for administrative functionality. This includes permissions-based controls, CRUD-based functionality, and a powerful report-building "criteria builder" tool to building complex queries against the database.

January 16th, 2021

It's been a while since the last update, as progress has been slow of late, however work has been made on several features including license grant issuance, license grant validation, and user data updating.

October 5th, 2020

Successful end to end tests were completed around payments. The grant system has been implemented. Invoicing and subscriptions are now being generated and created on purchase. The focus now shifts to extending the invoicing and subscriptions systems.

September 16th, 2020

Work is continuing at a good pace, with big strides being made around cart session, grants, coupon codes, payments, invoices, and subscriptions. Presently the system is able to process payments via Stripe's Payment Intents API, as well as allow users to go through the signup/pay flow. Within the next couple of weeks I should have a fully integrated payments platform with all of the above items working and tested, at which point work on digital file delivery and frontend user management can begin.

September 4th, 2020

  • A database structure has been implemented.
  • A framework for both the APIs and clients have been selected and implemented.
  • Standard authentication, email MFA authentication, and SMS authentication have been completed.
  • The signup/registration system has been completed.
  • A complex hook system is in place, allowing the application to be greatly extended.
  • Session management has been completed.
  • E-mail confirmation has been completed.
  • Integration with Twilio.
  • Password reset functionality.